To finish off every year I enjoy taking a moment to look back at my content from the past 12 months to compare how all my articles, tutorials, freebies and videos performed in terms of view counts. This is my greatest hits collection for 2017, broken down into individual top 10 roundups for each category. Did you miss any of these most popular posts? Which one from the list was your favourite? Or was there a particular piece of content you found really useful that didn’t make the cut?

My most popular content from 2017

Video tutorials uploaded to the Spoon Graphics YouTube channel now receive more attention in video views than my written content tends to acquire in website traffic statistics. With 167,699 views, my video showing How To Animate a Still Photo in Photoshop takes first place as my most popular post of 2017. Interestingly, the equivalent blog post containing the embedded video, which is sent out to all 130,000+ Spoon Graphics newsletter readers, received just 8,779 views. It just goes to show how YouTube helps push my content to a much larger audience.

From my website content alone, my roundup of 45 T-Shirt Mockup Templates You Can Download for Free gained the most exposure with 77,943 visits. This is followed by my How To Create a Watercolor Painting Effect in Photoshop tutorial with 61,922 visits and my 12 Free Cinematic Photo Effect Actions for Adobe Photoshop with 51,766 vists.

Free resources in general seem to attract the most traffic, closely followed by people consuming my Tutorials. My Articles don’t perform as well in terms of traffic statistics, but they acquire the most social media shares. Despite my video tutorials receiving much more attention on YouTube, they’re my least popular posts on the Spoon Graphics blog.

My Top 10 Freebies from 2017

51,766 Views: 12 Free Cinematic Photo Effect Actions for Adobe Photoshop

12 Free Cinematic Photo Effect Actions for Adobe Photoshop

48,816 Views: 10 Free Retro Text Effect Graphic Styles for Adobe Illustrator

10 Free Retro Text Effect Graphic Styles for Adobe Illustrator

45,557 Views: 9 Free “Washed & Worn” Aged T-Shirt Effect Textures

9 Free “Washed & Worn” Aged T-Shirt Effect Textures

35,466 Views: 10 Free Black Grunge Textures Made From The Ashes of Hell!

10 Free Black Grunge Textures Made From The Ashes of Hell!

34,236 Views: 25 Film Dust Textures to use as Backgrounds and Overlays

25 Film Dust Textures to use as Backgrounds and Overlays

26,380 Views: 12 Free Wax Crayon Effect Brushes for Adobe Illustrator

12 Free Wax Crayon Effect Brushes for Adobe Illustrator

25,629 Views: 40 Free Duotone Gradient Presets for Adobe Photoshop

40 Free Duotone Gradient Presets for Adobe Photoshop

23,207 Views: 12 Free Halftone Texture Brushes for Adobe Photoshop

12 Free Halftone Texture Brushes for Adobe Photoshop

21,810 Views: Free Pack of Vintage Style Marquee Bulb Sign Letters

Free Pack of Vintage Style Marquee Bulb Sign Letters

20,592 Views: 10 Free Grainy Vignette Textures with PNG Transparency

10 Free Grainy Vignette Textures with PNG Transparency

My Top 10 Tutorials from 2017

61,922 Views: How To Create a Watercolor Painting Effect in Photoshop

How To Create a Watercolor Painting Effect in Photoshop

35,479 Views: How To Create an Editable Retro Text Style in Illustrator

How To Create an Editable Retro Text Style in Illustrator

27,561 Views: How To Create a Vintage Style Large Letter Postcard Design

How To Create a Vintage Style Large Letter Postcard Design

23,611 Views: How To Create a Vector Popsicle in Adobe Illustrator

How To Create a Vector Popsicle in Adobe Illustrator

20,971 Views: How To Create Digital Particle Waves in Adobe Illustrator

How To Create Digital Particle Waves in Adobe Illustrator

19,906 Views: Three Ways to Add Textures to Vintage Logos & Type Designs

Three Ways to Add Textures to Vintage Logos & Type Designs

15,987 Views: How To Create a Vintage Film Title Text Effect in Photoshop

How To Create a Vintage Film Title Text Effect in Photoshop

14,514 Views: How To Create Colourful Gradient Orbs in Illustrator

How To Create Colourful Gradient Orbs in Illustrator

12,554 Views: How To Create a Geometric Pattern in Adobe Illustrator

How To Create a Geometric Pattern in Adobe Illustrator

9196 Views: How To Create a Distressed Vintage Style Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

How To Create a Distressed Vintage Style Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

My Top 10 Articles from 2017

77,943 Views: 45 T-Shirt Mockup Templates You Can Download for Free

45 T-Shirt Mockup Templates You Can Download for Free

24,065 Views: 35 Scenic Landscape Illustrations with Vibrant Colors

35 Scenic Landscape Illustrations with Vibrant Colors

15,702 Views: 50 Creative Logos & Branding Designs for Craft Breweries

50 Creative Logos & Branding Designs for Craft Breweries

12,312 Views: 60 Creative Outdoors & Adventure Themed Logo Designs

60 Creative Outdoors & Adventure Themed Logo Designs

12,051 Views: 30 Mind Blowing Pieces of Algorithmic Fractal Art

30 Mind Blowing Pieces of Algorithmic Fractal Art

11,546 Views: 20 Brilliant Design Case Studies That Neatly Present Brand Identity Concepts

20 Brilliant Design Case Studies That Neatly Present Brand Identity Concepts

10,935 Views: 45 Mascot Logo Designs for Sports & eSports Teams

45 Mascot Logo Designs for Sports & eSports Teams

10,804 Views: Showcase of Creative Album Cover Designs & Illustrations

Showcase of Creative Album Cover Designs & Illustrations

9514 Views: 25 Redesigned Movie Posters for Your Favourite 80s Films

25 Redesigned Movie Posters for Your Favourite 80s Films

8693 Views: 30 Custom Lettering Designs with Drips, Runs and Splatters

30 Custom Lettering Designs with Drips, Runs and Splatters

My Top 10 Videos from 2017

167,699 Views: How To Animate a Still Photo in Photoshop

How To Animate a Still Photo in Photoshop

76,690 Views: Airbrushed Film Poster Photo Effect

Airbrushed Film Poster Photo Effect

73,228 Views: How To Create a Single Weight Line Art Logo

How To Create a Single Weight Line Art Logo

32,294 Views: How To Colorize a Black and White Photo

How To Colorize a Black and White Photo

29,735 Views: Retro Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

Retro Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

29,679 Views: Thor Ragnarok Style Text Effect in Illustrator

Thor Ragnarok Style Text Effect in Illustrator

26,204 Views: Surreal Collage Style Artwork in Photoshop

Surreal Collage Style Artwork in Photoshop

25,001 Views: How To Create a Realistic Chalk Lettering Effect

How To Create a Realistic Chalk Lettering Effect

23,851 Views: Pencil Sketch Drawing Effect in Adobe Photoshop

Pencil Sketch Drawing Effect in Adobe Photoshop

21,389 Views: Vintage Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

Vintage Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

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  1. I look forward to these posts, Chris! LOL It is so interesting to see what ranked. I have to agree with your stats! LOL
    Happy New Year to You and Yours!

  2. Hey Chris,
    Your articles are always amazing, and the t-shirt mockup templates really helped me a lot. Hope you’ll keep up the good work and share more awesome templates in 2018 as well!

  3. Hi Chris,
    Thank you for all of the awesome tutorials and freebies. I think I used over half of the tutorials on you list last year. Can’t wait to see what you bring for 2018!

  4. Hey what a splendid post I have run over and trust me I have been hunting out down this comparative sort of post for recent week and barely ran over this. Much thanks and will search for more postings from you.

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