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How To Create a Contour Map Effect in Illustrator

Contour lines are used in Geography to create topographic maps that show the elevation of a landscape. The contour lines create a series of concentric shapes which—aside from their important role in mapping—look pretty cool! In today’s Illustrator tutorial I’ll show you how to make use of the Blend tool to create a series of contour line style shapes. This tutorial not only creates a great contour map effect, it might also open up ideas for all kinds of intricate background designs based on the same process.

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Illustrator Techniques to Turn a Sketch into Vector Art

One of the most satisfying uses of Adobe Illustrator is to transform your rough pencil sketches into colourful illustrations. It’s great to see your concepts come to life with crisp linework and bold colours, but sometimes the result can be a little disappointing when the vector art just doesn’t have the punch you had hoped for. Follow this step by step process to discover some of the simple techniques I’ve learnt that really help give your illustrations that pro look.

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How To Create a Grainy B&W High Fashion Photo Effect

In today’s Photoshop tutorial we’re going to play around with various image adjustments to recreate the emotive style of high fashion black and white photography. Typically these photographs feature many of the characteristics of old school 35mm film, such as heavy film grain and low contrast. Follow this step by step guide to quickly transform your own photos into artistic black and white pieces of art.

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How To Create a Colorful Fluoro Duotone Photo Effect

In today’s Photoshop tutorial we’re heading straight back to the 80s to play with vibrant fluoro colours. It has become a popular trend to convert the colours of modern day photographs into oversaturated fluorescent style hues to create intense sensual images. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to quickly recreate this duotone effect, then we’ll take the design to the next level with some additional tweaks to give it a modern pop art twist.

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How To Create an Easy Abstract Blur Pattern Design

Today’s Illustrator and Photoshop design tutorial is based on a suggestion from one of my readers. Ella got in touch with some examples of cool geometric gradient designs that she had seen a lot lately and wondered how they were made. I always love receiving tutorial suggestions, so I’ve been busy playing around to figure out how to replicate this cool effect. Follow this step by step guide to create your own abstract gradient pattern art using a mix of Photoshop and Illustrator techniques.

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How To Create a Comic Style Text Effect in Illustrator

In today’s Illustrator tutorial we’re going to create a comic book inspired text effect your favourite superhero would be proud of. Learn how to create a basic 3D effect using the Blend tool and produce cool halftone patterns to give the design that retro screen printed appearance. These two techniques alone are crucial additions to your Illustrator skillset and can be used in all kinds of illustration and design work.