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How To Animate a Still Photo in Photoshop

In today’s video tutorial we’re going to have some fun creating what’s known as a Plotagraph, which is a motion picture effect similar to Cinemagraphs, but it’s created from a single still image, rather than a video clip. The name Plotagraph comes from the brand name of the software and the associated community based on this effect, which you can find at Plotagraph.com. The full software is pretty expensive, so I’ve been playing around in Adobe Photoshop to figure out how to create the effect manually. It works by stretching a certain portion of the image using keyframes in the Photoshop animation timeline. Repeating this simple transformation in a loop gives the illusion that the picture is moving.

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How To Create Your Own Texture Resources

In today’s tutorial I have some tips and techniques to share for creating texture resources in Photoshop and Illustrator. Rather than being a guide with a particular final result, this video will instead show you how to make custom assets that you can use as tools to produce awesome artwork, or even sell them as premium design resources on sites such as Creative Market.

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Gritty HDR Photo Effect in Adobe Photoshop

In today’s Adobe Photoshop tutorial we’re going to play around with some filters and adjustments to create a gritty HDR style photo effect. This effect works great with street photography, urban images and any pictures that would be enhanced with a grungy mood with harsh contrast and sharp details. Typically, HDR images are created by shooting a range of exposures and combining them in Lightroom or Photoshop, but today’s tutorial will look at some filters that mimic HDR aesthetics and produce an effect that can be applied to standard images.