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The Best Ways To Make Your Photos Black & White

If you have an interest in Photography chances are one day you’ll want to convert one of your images to black and white to achieve that atmospheric and intense look. The actual process can be as easy as clicking a button, but what are the best ways to make your photos black and white in Photoshop? In this post I’ll cover some of the popular techniques and describe which methods give the best results.

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6 Photoshop Alternatives for the Casual Designer

Photoshop isn’t just an industry standard piece of image manipulation software used by professionals, it’s also an application that is sought after by many hobbyists looking to fulfil their creative passion. Unfortunately at $600 dollars it’s out of reach for most casual users, so other than pirating (which is bad mmkay), what high quality alternatives are available for the casual designer?

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Photoshop Masking Techniques Everyone Should Know

One of the most important Photoshop skills you need as a Designer is the ability to clip out images of various detail using masks or selections. Whether you’re creating designs for print, web or just fancy artwork it’s inevitable that you will be faced with the task of removing a subject from its background in a photograph. This post describes the various basic and advanced techniques you should have in your arsenal, which will allow you to tackle any masking situation that comes your way.