Search results for photoshop brushes
Brushes for Adobe Illustrator come in three types; Art Brushes, Pattern Brushes and Scatter Brushes. They’re all used with the Brush tool, but they each have their specific purpose. Art brushes are the most common, they’re applied to paths and are often used to create realistic hand drawn effects. Pattern brushes are configured to generate seamlessly repeating patterns, which help you easily create intricate designs. Finally, Scatter brushes are commonly used to produce grungy shading effects by painting rough textures onto specific areas of your artwork. Illustrator Brushes are rare resources compared to their Photoshop counterparts, so it’s useful to know where to find them. In this post I present 25 great quality Adobe Illustrator brush sets you can download for free!
At the end of every year I like to take some time to look back at my top content from the past 12 months and compare how well they each performed on social media. This compilation features my 30 greatest hits from 2015, including my best tutorials, free resources and articles in order of their popularity judging by the total share count. Which one from the list was your favourite? Or was there a particular post you really enjoyed that didn’t make the cut?
This week Access All Areas members can download a brand new design resource courtesy of RetroSupply Co. This Standard Issue Grunge Textures pack contains 20 high resolution overlays captured from a rugged old grain warehouse in central Washington. They work great when placed over your designs in Photoshop with a Multiply or Linear Burn blending mode to apply the grungy tones to your artwork. You can even stack them to create unlimited texture combinations for unique vintage effects every time!
In last week’s vector illustration tutorial I used my free set of distressed halftone patterns to add cool screentone effects to my artwork in Photoshop, then I thought; Why not create a similar set of patterns but in vector format to allow the same distressed halftone effects to be added directly in Adobe Illustrator? So I’ve been working hard to create this new set of free halftone patterns in the same distressed styling, but this set makes use of Illustrator swatches to allow the effects to be scaled to any size, keeping your artwork 100% vector.
Halftone textures are fantastic resources for creating retro print effects by simply overlaying the dot patterns over your solid colour artwork. I shared a pack of distressed halftone patterns last year, which featured a range of uniform halftone screens of various densities. This time, I’ve created a new series of vector textures with gradual changes in dot size, which help add subtle tones to your designs.
I have a brand new video tutorial for you today based on one of my popular posts from 2011. This time we’re going to play around with Illustrator to create some retro style geometric lines that interweave and loop around each other to form an intriguing composition, which kinda reminds me of a crazy scalextric track! We’ll use the power of Illustrator Art Brushes to create the effect, then we’ll switch over to Photoshop to add some finishing touches to texture and distress the design to give it that awesome aged look.