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In this age of digital design I find the old analogue techniques of hand lettering and sign painting extraordinarily impressive. The use of traditional mediums such as chalk require real talent, which is why professional typographers are still being hired to create stunning murals in trendy cafes and restaurants. In today’s design showcase I present 30 inspirational examples of chalk lettering designs by admirable artists who use traditional techniques to create fantastic typography.
Dustin from RetroSupply is back with more quality goodies for Access All Areas members. Dustin has already donated some fantastic resources for members to download, including halftone vectors, 1940s mockups, vector textures and the Emergency Retro Kit, but now members are also being treated to the RetroSupply Standard Issue Ink Roller Textures. This pack contains 10 high resolution textures made by hand with a rubber roller and ink. Use them to create cool stamp and print effects in your artwork.
Around this time every year I take a moment to reflect back on my posts over the past 12 months and compare how well they performed on social media. My latest Greatest Hits compilation features my top content from 2014, arranging my tutorials, articles and freebies in order of their popularity. Which one was your favourite?
This week I’ve teamed up with Design Panoply to share more great design resources with my Access All Areas members. Download this pack of 5 vector retro circular badges and customise them for use in your own projects, giving your designs an instant nostalgic feeling. Inside the download you’ll find a link to a series of free fonts which will preserve the appearance of the badges to give you full control over the wording and layout.
Access All Areas members are being treated to more fantastic design resources from RetroSupply this week. Members can download this collection of photographs inspired by American industrial design of the 1940s. Use them to show off your latest vintage style designs by creating mock ups with business cards, notepads and antique products, or simply use the photos as decorative backgrounds to complement your retro and vintage style artwork.
Contour lines are used in Geography to create topographic maps that show the elevation of a landscape. The contour lines create a series of concentric shapes which—aside from their important role in mapping—look pretty cool! In today’s Illustrator tutorial I’ll show you how to make use of the Blend tool to create a series of contour line style shapes. This tutorial not only creates a great contour map effect, it might also open up ideas for all kinds of intricate background designs based on the same process.