Articles & Inspiration

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25 Tutorials for Creating Detailed Graphical Text Effects

Text effects have always been the bread and butter of design tutorials. This post rounds up 25 of the best graphical text effect tutorials from various design blogs on the web, every one of them takes you through the step by step process of creating a detailed typographic design based on a particular style. Remember though, even if you’re not likely to ever need to create text in the exact style of these tutorials, the tips and techniques they describe can come in handy in any design project.

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Why People Love & Hate Me in the Design Community

This week I thought I’d switch things up from my usual tutorial posts and publish something more along the lines of an opinionated article. This topic in particular is something I’ve had in mind for a while so I’ve eventually got round to jotting down my thoughts. Hopefully this little article will give some insight into my life behind my blogs and maybe even give some inspiration or advice.

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Blog.SpoonGraphics Design Tutorials: Greatest Hits 2010

2010 has been a another good year for me. As I’ve declined my number of client projects in order to spend more time working as a ‘blogger’ I’ve been able to put more time into writing tutorials, making them more in-depth and detailed. It’s fab to see my tuts helping people out and gaining exposure on the web. Here’s a roundup of my ‘greatest hits’ this year according to StumbleUpon ‘thumbs up’ stats. Surprisingly a few of the most popular were topics I never expected to do so well, and on the contrary some posts I put some real sweat into never seemed to take off in comparison!

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20 Amazing Digital Artists to Follow on Behance

Anyone with an interest in design, illustration or digital art knows the Behance Network is the place to go to find all kinds of amazing artworks. This roundup pulls together a collection of the the site’s most popular and a few of my personal favourite artists and designers, who each produce high quality and awe-inspiring work. Having the latest projects from these artists appear in your news stream is sure to keep your creative fire burning.

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Two Simple Techniques To Help You Master the Pen Tool

If you want to be a design master, you must first master the Pen tool. The Pen tool is one of the most important items in your Photoshop and Illustrator toolboxes and learning how to comfortably use it will open up new opportunities and speed up your every day workflow. Here’s a couple of techniques I use when working with the pen tool that I hope will help you get to grips with your bezier curves.