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Retro VHS Cassette Style Poster Design

In today’s Adobe Illustrator tutorial we’re going to have fun creating a retro style poster based on the artwork of old VHS cassette covers. We’ll use Illustrator to construct the design with text and shape elements, then we’ll quickly send the final artwork over to Photoshop to give it an aged appearance with texture overlays. You can find plenty of inspiration from Google Images and Pinterest, where you can pick out common aesthetics and mix and match the different elements to create your own custom design. The artwork I’ll be producing in this tutorial features the popular trend of colourful stripes and retro shape patterns, combined with simple text elements that represent the various features displayed on the authentic examples.

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Abstract Pixel Sorting Effect in Photoshop

In today’s Photoshop tutorial we’re going to have some fun creating an abstract piece of artwork that features the Pixel Sorting effect, which is a type of glitch art that’s usually generated by computer code, but we’ll be replicating the appearance with Photoshop’s built in filters. If you search for pixel sorting artwork on sites such as Pinterest you’ll see some great surreal artworks where the effect is combined with a normal photograph, usually with these extended pixels drooping from a pair of sunglasses or in place of a subject’s entire face. That’s exactly what we’ll be producing in this tutorial, an abstract art piece that features a female face with long glitchy pixels that extend vertically from her sunglasses.

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Dripping Slime Type Effect in Illustrator

In today’s Adobe Illustrator tutorial we’re going to have some fun creating a gooey slime effect with some custom type. You could apply this to your own hand lettering pieces, but I’m going to be using a ready made font, which I’ll be customising with the vector drip shapes. Once the outline is complete, we’ll then add some bright colours to make the ooze radioactive, then use a simple trick with the brush tool to draw some highlights.

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5 Ways To Create a Matte Effect in Photoshop

The topic I wanted to talk about in today’s Photoshop video tutorial is creating the trendy ‘matte’ look within your photos. The thing is, creating the effect literally takes seconds. So instead, I’m going to show you FIVE ways to create a matte effect in Photoshop! There’s a range of tools you can use, each with a slightly different workflow, so hopefully by showing all these different techniques you’ll be able to take home the one you find the most straight forward or memorable.

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Photoshop Summer to Winter Effect

In today’s Photoshop video tutorial I’m going to show you a few tweaks you can apply to an image to transform a sunny Summer scene into a cold and snowy winter blizzard. The process starts with some colour adjustments to remove the warm hues, then we’ll add a white overlay to certain parts of the image to represent frost or snow. I’ll then show you some easy steps to add realistic snow to your photographs.