The Art & Design Inspiration Fix pulls together a collection of my favourite graphical images that I’ve come across over the past week to give you a fix of creative inspiration. This week we have designs from Cristian Eres, Sindy Ethel, Velckro, Joshua M. Smith and Overloaded Design.

Blindfold by Cristian Eres

Blindfold by Cristian Eres

Trafico Bazar by Sindy Ethel

Trafico Bazar by Sindy Ethel

Yorokobu Mag Illustrations by Velckro

Yorokobu Mag Illustrations by Velckro

Haida Study by Joshua M. Smith

Haida Study by Joshua M. Smith

Aniversario Hey Ho by Overloaded Design

Aniversario Hey Ho by Overloaded Design

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