I’ve literally driven miles to produce my latest set of free design resources. These 24 Dirt Textures are created taken layers upon layers of road grime from long motorway journeys, processed into high resolution JPG textures and PNG files with transparent backgrounds. They’re great for adding dirty backgrounds to your designs, or applying to layer masks to distress your artwork. Being taken from real surface grime means these digital resources help you produce authentic effects with intricate details, which just can’t be replicated with built in Photoshop filters alone.

24 High Resolution Dirt Textures in JPG and PNG Format

This collection of textures contains 24 files, 12 dirt textures in JPG format and 12 dirt textures in PNG format with transparent backgrounds. Dimensions range from 4000-6000px at 300ppi resolution, making them ideal for all kinds of artwork, including high resolution print work. Being generic file types means these assets are compatible across all design software.

Download My Free Dirt Textures

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing these amazing (real) textures! You have been and remain the best source of digital design information, resources, and encouragement out here in the wild blue web!

  2. I admire, and appreciate, people like you who are willing to share so much without asking anything. Thanks a million, Chris

  3. Thanks for another great bundle. I draw landscaping plans a lot, so they might end up as what they were – road and pavement textures!

  4. Thank you Chris! Really great of you to share. Thanks for your inspiring attitude and I will endeavour to pay it forward.

  5. I love these authentic texture effects because of the intricate detail and I’m impressed with the huge effort you invested in creating these high-quality dirt textures. I’m confident in saying they are BEST, thanks so much, Chris!

  6. Thanks for all the miles you drove to get these and for providing them for free!! :)

  7. Thank you, Chris! I just want you to know that the PNG directory is missing texture 05… maybe there’s a reason for this? Or it just ran off? Either way, I thought I’d let you know. Great resources, as always!

  8. Really Outstanding post. I love these. It will useful for any new comer and expert guys also. Thanks for your excellent stuff.

  9. Hello. Do you have a easy way to make grunge looking text/picture and it would look there were some pieces outside the text also?

  10. aw thank u so much ya, im an illustrator and graphic designer from indonesia :)

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