Search results for photoshop brushes

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The Biggest Brush Sets Made Specifically for Affinity Designer

I receive requests for design resources for the Affinity creative software more and more frequently from Spoon Graphics subscribers. While I haven’t found the time to tempt myself to migrate over from the Adobe apps just yet, I have tried to source as many Affinity tools as possible from creative experts who do use this great Adobe-alternative software to share as part of the Access All Areas membership on Spoon Graphics. For those wanting more, this roundup should provide plenty of assets for Affinity users to explore. I have searched for the biggest and best collections of design resources made specifically for Affinity Designer. These are the best value products currently available!

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Spoon Graphics Turns 14 Years Old — Still Steadily Ticking Along

It’s that time of year when Spoon Graphics gets a little older, with 2021 marking 14 years of tutorial creating, freebie sharing and article writing on what started as a blog that was attached to my portfolio website in 2007. Every April I take some time to reflect on the past 12 months and talk about how things have changed. Last year I talked about how my subscriber counts were growing well despite plummeting traffic levels, so let’s take a look at the latest stats and figures and see how things are going another year on.

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Spoon Graphics Greatest Hits: My Most Popular Posts of 2020

To finish off every year I enjoy taking a moment to look back at my content from the past 12 months to compare how all my articles, tutorials, freebies and videos performed in terms of view counts. This is my greatest hits collection for 2020, broken down into individual roundups for each category. Did you miss any of these most popular posts? Which one from the list was your favourite? Or was there a particular piece of content you found really useful that didn’t make the cut?

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Polaroid Picture Mock-up Templates

Access All Areas members have a great collection of picture mockups to download this week, courtesy of Creative Veila. This set of Polaroid Snapshot Picture mock-up templates contains 6 high-resolution Polaroid-style photo frames in various combinations and compositions. Easily add your own images to create mood-boards, digital collages, social media posts, or decorate additions to your design projects.

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How to Apply Cyberpunk Style Color Grading & Neon Effects to Your Photos

The cyberpunk aesthetic is commonly associated with densely populated, futuristic cities illuminated by bright neon signs and advertisements. Follow these steps in Adobe Photoshop to transform a regular street photograph into a neon-noir scene by applying heavy colour grading with bright blues and hot pinks, as well as neon sign effects to create a colourful yet moody atmosphere within the image.

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10 Halftone Lines Textures

I have created plenty of brushes and textures based on halftone dots previously on Spoon Graphics, but halftone lines are a fantastic alternative pattern that can add detailed retro effects to your artwork. This new collection of halftone lines textures features 10 high-resolution graphics with a distressed appearance, made of evenly spaced diagonal lines at a 45-degree angle. The halftone screens were generated from heavily decayed texture images, so each pattern is unique with an array of line widths. Every texture is supplied as a standard JPG and PNG file with a transparent background for maximum versatility and compatibility with all kinds of image editing applications.