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Spoon Graphics Greatest Hits: My Most Popular Posts of 2016

To finish off every year I enjoy taking a moment to look back at my content from the past 12 months to compare how they all performed in terms of reader engagement through the total number of social media shares. This time I’m breaking down my posts into a series of top 10 roundups of my articles, freebies, tutorials and videos. Did you miss any of these most popular posts? Which one from the list was your favourite? Or was there a particular piece of content you found really useful that didn’t make the cut?

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42 Nail Varnish Brush, Drips and Splatters Graphics

I’ve been having fun making a mess with my wife’s nail varnish to create some new design resources for you to download. I brushed, dripped and splattered a whole bottle worth of varnish and scanned the results to create a variety of creative assets. There are 42 graphics in total, ranging from brushed shapes, brush strokes, drippy circles and splashes, available as PNG images with transparent backgrounds, or within a PSD file that allows you to easily change the colour to suit your style.

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How To Create a Suicide Squad Inspired 3D Text Effect

Hollywood has definitely been fuelling me with plenty of inspiration lately. A few weeks ago I shared a tutorial on how to create a movie poster based on The Hateful Eight. Today I have another movie themed tutorial, this time inspired by the vibrant text effect from the Suicide Squad trailer. Follow along to see how the 3D typography is made in Photoshop, along with various lighting effects to illuminate the design with bright colours.

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How To Create Your Own Hateful Eight Movie Poster Design

Quentin Tarantino’s latest movie The Hateful Eight has been highly anticipated by film fans. During the build up to its launch a series of movie posters were released that were made using one of the design resources from Spoon Graphics, hat tip to James White for the spot! Given that we have the exact Photoshop Brushes that were used to create the official designs available to us to download, I figured it would be fun to show how you can use them, along with some other techniques to create your own Hateful Eight inspired movie poster design.

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25 Seamless Geometric Patterns

There’s some new premium design resources for Access All Areas members to download today courtesy of the Eezy Network. These seamless geometric patterns are straight from the premium section of Vecteezy, giving you 25 repeating patterns than can be used directly in Adobe Illustrator as Swatches, or in any other application with the variety of file types from PNG to SVG. There’s a great mix of pattern styles that can be used to fill large backgrounds and decorate your designs with intricate effects.