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Spoon Graphics Greatest Hits: My Most Popular Posts of 2021

To finish off every year I enjoy taking a moment to look back at my content from the past 12 months to compare how all my freebies, videos, articles and tutorials performed in terms of view counts. This is my greatest hits collection for 2021, broken down into individual roundups for each category. Did you miss any of these most popular posts? Which one from the list was your favourite? Or was there a particular piece of content you found really useful that didn’t make the cut?

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How To Create a Vintage Toy Packaging Design

I stumbled across some packaging designs for old cap gun toys recently, which gave me the inspiration to reproduce the style myself. Follow along with today’s tutorial to create a vintage toy packaging design using both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. We’ll begin in Illustrator to draw the main product illustration, lay out the type, and compose the design. Then I’ll show you how to give the artwork a vintage appearance in Photoshop with the help of some textures, filters and brushes which will help to mimic the appearance of aged prints.

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Spoon Graphics Greatest Hits: My Most Popular Posts of 2018

To finish off every year I enjoy taking a moment to look back at my content from the past 12 months to compare how all my articles, tutorials, freebies and videos performed in terms of view counts. This is my greatest hits collection for 2018, broken down into individual top 10 roundups for each category. Did you miss any of these most popular posts? Which one from the list was your favourite? Or was there a particular piece of content you found really useful that didn’t make the cut?

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Rolled Ink Texture Collection

This week Access All Areas members have a fantastic set of quick and easy to use textures to download, courtesy of Brent Galloway. This collection of rolled ink textures contains 20 high resolution graphics made by hand with a rubber roller and ink. Use them to add that worn look to your t-shirt designs, lettering pieces, photos, or any type of design you’re working on. They come in a multitude of formats, including 1200dpi TIFF images, 300ppi PNG files with transparency, and 5000px Photoshop Brushes.

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Three Ways to Add Textures to Vintage Logos & Type Designs

Textures are a common addition to vintage style logo designs and type designs. Designers use them to mimic the aesthetics of old prints and handmade art to give their digital artwork more of a tactile appearance. There’s a number of techniques that can be used to apply textures to your designs in Adobe Photoshop, using built-in filters and effects, or tools such as textures and Photoshop Brushes. In today’s tutorial I show three ways you can distress your logos and text, each resulting in a slightly different appearance.