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Written by Chris Spooner

Chris Spooner is a designer who has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with various techniques in both print and web. Follow Chris' daily design links on Twitter, and be sure to check out his second blog over at Line25.com.

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  1. Ziemowit says:

    very nice :) thanks Chris!

  2. Look too busy to me, especially in the black and white version.
    At least, I would have removed the central linking vines

  3. Hello Chris this is really nice tutorials , thanks for sharing with us.

  4. william says:

    Its really very nice. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. I absolutely love this. Awesome!

  6. thank you as always no words for your work, and very well explained

  7. BDT466 says:

    Such an amazing piece here Chris, the water droplets really bring this piece to a whole other level. Cheers

  8. Abbas says:

    Looking at the Bio Themes website, you’ve not considered how the logo will look scaled down. At the size it is on that website you don’t get to see the level of detail and it all kind of melts into one big green blob.

    This isn’t a criticism of the design itself, it’s a great on concept, and the execution is slick. But failing to consider sizings, especially when it’s specifically for a website is a little unfortunate. I can see the logo working at a larger scale, but it just doesn’t work at the size it is currently.

    I think this is an ideal opportunity to put the ball back in the client’s court and request the logo is a little larger… a designer’s nightmare, but thoroughly justified in this case.

    • JohnONolan says:

      Hi Abbas, John here – or “The Client” if you will. We love the logo, which is why we display it in all its detail and glory at the bottom of product pages and on the about page of the site. We don’t feel the need to have the logo huge on every page – we’re ok with it alluding to the larger version of itself ;)

      • Antoine Gillot says:

        You should… a good logo needs to be flexible, who knows what the future brings you.

  9. Abbas says:

    Looking at the Bio Themes website, you’ve not considered how the logo will look scaled down. At the size it is on that website you don’t get to see the level of detail and it all kind of melts into one big green blob.

    This isn’t a criticism of the design itself, it’s a great on concept, and the execution is slick. But failing to consider sizings, especially when it’s specifically for a website is a little unfortunate. I can see the logo working at a larger scale, but it just doesn’t work at the size it is currently.

  10. Matt Axell says:

    Great design Chris, I don’t think BioThemes do it justice though by using it so small on the site, I’d at least have had a bigger version on the home page to show of some of the details you put it.

  11. Gavin says:

    Yes, really nice work but all that intricate detail is now missing on the BioThemes website. The word Themes dominates the Bio logo, it should be a lot smaller in relation to the word Bio. Time to redesign the website to make full use of the logo. Great walkthrough as always.

  12. Ron says:

    Great job there, although it’s a shame it appears so little on the website. You can’t see the details, especially the butterfly.
    Thanks for sharing the process.
    B.T.W., what resolution did you use?

  13. Kevin W. says:

    Love it! I had a great time going through the steps. Thanks.

  14. e11world says:

    Lovely tutorial and really nice and simple techniques. This was actually very good for me right now since I’m about to develop something like this :)

  15. Lee Gustin says:

    Love the logo and love seeing your process :) Great job!

  16. It’s a great logo Chris and very interesting to read about the process you used to create each different effect. Cheers :-)

  17. Very nice, you are definitely one of the best out there, thanks.

  18. Really nice Chris, Thanks

  19. very, very cool……nice work!

  20. Daniel says:

    Nice Chris.. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Mark says:

    Really like the way you’ve achieved the final effect. Cheers for sharing

  22. Nature is the most inspiring of things; it is great how it could create anything even in the cyber world.

    Great tutorial! We hope more people would use this example and create their own nature combinations.

  23. Simon says:

    What is the social media sharing plugin you are using?

  24. Ashish says:

    Looks beautiful…..

    I specially liked the way of giving lights to leaves…

    gr8 tutorial.


  25. I just love that logo! Over the years I’ve made a few logos myself but those have been purely in Illustrator. This has opened my eyes to what can be achieved in PS. Particularly I loved the first part where you warped it into the shape of a leaf – so simple yet effective!

  26. Looks great!!! Awesome workflow!!!! I would just leave a little more space between the “i” to be able to distinguish it a bit more.

  27. JohnONolan says:

    To everyone complaining about the size of the logo on the site – you are missing the point a little ;) The website doesn’t exist to show off a logo, it exists to sell products. That is (quite rightly) the focus of the design.

    We’re very proud of the logo, which is why it *is* displayed at full size in multiple places throughout the site :)

    Chris did an awesome job, we couldn’t be happier!

  28. Marcos Cortes (Dominican Republic) says:


  29. Paul says:


    The ‘logo’ on your site (biotheme) definitely needs a fix.

    ‘Bio’ is almost unreadable.
    ‘Themes’ colored in blue on silver bg is hurting more than helping.

    ( in case you are too lazy to care, just blow it up 2x.)

  30. Nice tutorial! We produced a logo using foliage awhile back and could have saved some time by read this first. Thanks!

  31. Love the green connection and natural spin. Very unique approach really like the end result. Thanks a bunch!

  32. VJ SALMAN says:


  33. Hector Matias says:

    Hola…!!! Estos son berdaderos trabajos

  34. SK says:

    Another great tutorial! Nicely explained and very helpful. Thanks Chris.

  35. SK says:

    Another great tutorial! Well explained and very helpful. Thanks Chris.

  36. Absolutely love it, nice to see a fresh approach, appreciate the tutorial, cant wait to try this out myself.

    Thanks for sharing!

  37. That is great post. It’s very nice. Thanks for shearing your ideas.

  38. Once again a great Tut, many thanks.

  39. I really like this!

    great work Chris

  40. IOM Design says:

    I don’t know where you get the time from to do all this design work and then write brilliantly descriptive articles to take us through how you did things. Thumbs up! :o)

  41. bharat says:

    wow, just amazing

  42. bharat says:

    @smike- nice, i liked it, but the background is little odd, but nice work

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