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Written by Chris Spooner

Chris Spooner is a designer who has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with various techniques in both print and web. Follow Chris' daily design links on Twitter, and be sure to check out his second blog over at Line25.com.

Download the eBook guide to setting up your online portfolio


  1. bsilvia says:

    I like it! :)
    Did you actually spray the paper with color spray? Or…?


  2. FeIZocE says:

    So big, so good. Linked on my blog ;)

  3. Thanks, i know im a master

  4. awds says:

    will this work with cs3 extended?

  5. Todd Page says:

    You… are my hero?


  6. thanks for the great free set.

  7. gaspar says:

    amiguito el link no anda.. arreglalo papa.

  8. gaspar says:

    y????? como te pone la gorra gringo eh??? mne deja garpando loco… eso no se ase loco…todo mal con vo-

  9. 300 says:

    just what i needed!

  10. grateful says:

    this brush is fantastic. I can not express how absolutely grateful I am for this!!!

    it makes what I’ve been trying to figure out with my own stock brushes for months sooooo much easier and MORE AUTHENTIC… you rock!!!!!

  11. web-d says:

    very nice, i had a project i needed one like this…too late..
    next time

  12. michelle says:

    this is great, so useful! thanks!

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