Search results for photoshop brushes
I’ve developed a little annual tradition to look back at my yearly content and summarise my posts into a greatest hits compilation. Today’s article collates my top content from 2013 based on the total number of social media likes and shares each post received. Were there any you missed? I’d love to know which post from my 2013 archives was your favourite!
An amazing new resource has been added to the Access All Areas section today courtesy of RetroSupply Co. This exclusive RetroSupply Emergency Retro Kit contains a bunch of handmade design resources to give your design an instant retro fix. Choose from 9 high resolution textures and 6 Photoshop brushes to give your designs an authentic retro look.
Earlier this year I posted a showcase of 80s inspired neon art featuring all kinds of bright fluoro colours and retro futuristic scenes. Having enjoyed browsing this style of art and listening to albums of 80s style electro synth music I decided to have a go at creating a design of my own. Follow this step by step tutorial to see how I put together the Electric Overdrive artwork with various texturing and lighting effects in Photoshop.
I’m sure we all remember painting with sponge (or potato!) stamps as a child, but back then we didn’t really appreciate the cool distressed effect the printing technique created. Today designers and illustrators strive to add that retro/vintage style to their work with textures, so in this tutorial we’ll cover the process of creating a cute kids style illustration complete with a vector sponge stamp effect.
It’s time for Access All Areas members to be treated to another awesome design resource. This time the talented folks from Designious have donated one of their amazing vector packs. This mythical creatures vector pack features 6 highly detailed vector illustrations of monsters from popular stories: Succubus, Satyr, Adjule, Bladenboro, Bigfoot and the Beast of Gévaudan.
The awesome people from WeGraphics have supplied yet another super cool design resource for Access All Areas members. This time we have a pack of vintage tattoo vector graphics, featuring 5 hand drawn tattoo style illustrations. Members can download this pack along with the previous WeGraphics resources of Illustrated Ornamental vectors and Ink Stain Photoshop brushes.