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How To Create 80s Style Retro Futuristic Neon Artwork

Earlier this year I posted a showcase of 80s inspired neon art featuring all kinds of bright fluoro colours and retro futuristic scenes. Having enjoyed browsing this style of art and listening to albums of 80s style electro synth music I decided to have a go at creating a design of my own. Follow this step by step tutorial to see how I put together the Electric Overdrive artwork with various texturing and lighting effects in Photoshop.

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How To Create a Vector Sponge Art Effect in Illustrator

I’m sure we all remember painting with sponge (or potato!) stamps as a child, but back then we didn’t really appreciate the cool distressed effect the printing technique created. Today designers and illustrators strive to add that retro/vintage style to their work with textures, so in this tutorial we’ll cover the process of creating a cute kids style illustration complete with a vector sponge stamp effect.