
How to Create an Embroidered Patch Design in Illustrator

In today’s Adobe Illustrator tutorial I’m going to take you through the process of creating a colourful embroidered patch, based on the kinds of designs associated with National Parks. The artwork will incorporate a landscape scene at sunset, which helps to keep the design simple with a silhouette graphic and a warm colour palette. Stick around until the end of this tutorial to discover an easy way to make your digital design look real with stitching and embroidery effects.

How to Create an Embroidered Patch Design in Illustrator

► Showcase of Embroidered Patch Designs –
► Tatooine Color Palette –
► Activate the Titling Gothic Font Family –
► Activate the Scriptorama Font –

Realistic Embroidery Photoshop Action
► Get the Realistic Embroidery Photoshop Action at Envato Elements – or individually for $8 –

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  1. Thanks for the tutorial. Small point: A ‘Titling’ weight of a typeface is designed for making titles… – and pronounced title-ing, not tittling!

    • Haha what an idiot! I’ve always read it as “Tilting” Gothic so I had to do a double-take when I realised it was “Titling”. The word Title never even occurred to me!

  2. I love “How to Create an Embroidered Patch Design in Illustrator” tutorial. In this tutorial, you share the easy tips and explain all the points deeply.
    Thanks for sharing such a fantastic tutorial.

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