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Interweaving Text Effect in Photoshop

I recently created some artwork for my free subtle grunge brushes where I overlapped some text to make it look like the letters interweaved. I thought it looked like a cool effect so why not make a tutorial?! So in today’s video I’ll take you through the process of creating a fun design that combines the wording “Just another day in New York City”. The words ‘Just another day in‘ are set in a cool mono weight script, which are overlaid against ‘New York City‘ in a tall bold sans serif. We’ll then use a Layer Mask to erase certain bits of the text to give the impression that the script weaves in and out of the other letters. To finish off the artwork, we’ll also use a similar technique to place the typography within a scene of New York City, masking out the text so it seems to sit behind the skyscrapers.

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Adobe Illustrator Spray Paint Brushes

This week, Access All Areas members have a new set of brushes to download for Adobe Illustrator, courtesy of Jeremy Child from The Artifex Forge. These brushes allow you to create graffiti inspired art, without the risk of a criminal record! They have been carefully vectorized from real spray can art to allow you to produce realistically sprayed lines with Illustrator’s brush and pen tools. 27 spray paint stroke brushes are included along with 6 bonus splatter brushes that can be used to add extra detail and texturing.

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How To Create a Music Festival Poster Design in Photoshop

Yesterday I announced the launch of my brand new Acrylic Design Toolkit over at the Design Cuts Marketplace. It contains loads of design resources to help you create awesome artwork using a variety of colourful paint textures, Photoshop Brushes, vectors and a fancy Smart PSD, so in today’s tutorial I’ll take you through the process of creating a poster design for a fictional summer music festival using from a small selection of these items, which you can download for free in order to follow along.

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How To Create a Grungy Star Wars Propaganda Poster in Photoshop

I’ve been wanting to have some fun with the low-fi poster style that’s usually associated with punk rock gigs and revolution propaganda, but I couldn’t decide what to base my fictional design on. Then I saw the trailer for the new Rogue One movie and I knew I had to produce a Star Wars themed design for this tutorial! Follow along to see how to create a grungy propaganda poster for the Rebel Alliance in Adobe Photoshop with dirty textures, spray paint effects and a low-cost, hand made feel.

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Abstract Album Cover Art in Photoshop

The kinds of tutorials I love creating are those that produce a really cool result from quite a simple tool or technique. The artwork I’ll be showing you how to create today fits right into that category. It makes use of Photoshop’s Liquify tool, along with a few additional edits to create the kind of trendy artwork that’s popular on album covers or as abstract backgrounds that could form part of a brand. One of the fun things about this process is you can achieve a different result every time, either by using an alternative base image, or even by just using the Liquify brushes randomly.

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30 Subtle Grunge Brushes

Access All Areas members have a new set of premium Photoshop Brushes available to download today that were kindly supplied by designer and letterer David Larusso. This set of 30 Subtle Grunge Brushes can be added to the fantastic Subtle Halftone Brushes David kindly donated last year, giving you a comprehensive collection of tools to create distressed effects in your artwork. Each brush is made from a high resolution source with a minimum of 4000px width, so they’re extremely versatile for even the largest of print design projects.