One of the hottest design styles at the moment is the revival of vintage theme. Designers are using classic typography techniques, muted colours and dirty textures to simulate designs from centuries past. This post rounds up some of the most inspiring examples of modern branding, packaging and print projects with a vintage style.

RARE Hardware & Trim by Kasil Workshop

RARE Hardware & Trim by Kasil Workshop

Hathor Creamery by Michael Vilayvong

Hathor Creamery by Michael Vilayvong

Cranky Pressman by Dan Blackman

Cranky Pressman by Dan Blackman

Banger’s by Neighborhood Studio

Banger's by Neighborhood Studio

Re-Cycles Branding by Longton

Re-Cycles Branding by Longton

Mr. Lee Tailor Shop by Bruno Nakano

Mr. Lee Tailor Shop by Bruno Nakano

Converse Sonata by Aharmon Design Group

Converse Sonata by Aharmon Design Group

Remilla & Emil Wedding Paper Goods by Remilla Ty

Remilla & Emil Wedding Paper Goods by Remilla Ty

1hundred by Ginger Monkey

1hundred by Ginger Monkey

Stranger & Stranger Spirit No.13

Stranger & Stranger Spirit No.13

Fast Eddie’s Barber Shop by Richie Stewart

Fast Eddie's Barber Shop by Richie Stewart

Zaftigs Delicatessen by Richie Stewart

Zaftigs Delicatessen by Richie Stewart

The Lower Depths by Richie Stewart

The Lower Depths by Richie Stewart

Denim Pavilion by Pavel Emelyanov

Denim Pavilion by Pavel Emelyanov

Hudson Made by Hovard Design

Hudson Made by Hovard Design

The Old Skateboard Company

The Old Skateboard Company

Merchant & Mills

Merchant & Mills

John John Crisps Packaging by Peter Schmidt Group

John John Crisps Packaging by Peter Schmidt Group

The Hair Tailor by Pete Gardner

The Hair Tailor by Pete Gardner

Black Goat Coffee by Salih Kucukaga Design Studio

Black Goat Coffee by Salih Kucukaga Design Studio

Adam & Eve Law Firm by Raewyn Brandon

Adam & Eve Law Firm by Raewyn Brandon

Eric Church Identity by Cody Petts

Eric Church Identity by Cody Petts

On Wheels by Misha Jers

On Wheels by Misha Jers

Sperry Top-Sider Illustrations by Glenn Wolk

Sperry Top-Sider Illustrations by Glenn Wolk

Pinkie Couture for Haute Hair by Será Será

Pinkie Couture for Haute Hair by Será Será

Motorman Chocolate Lager by Freshthrills

Motorman Chocolate Lager by Freshthrills

Beach Baptism by Evan Travelstead

Beach Baptism by Evan Travelstead

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  1. Great collection. Love the old skateboard company and also the wedding paper goods by Remilla. Some wonderful inspirations in this list. Thanks, Chris.

  2. I’m a huge fan of vintage styling, it’s something I’ve tried to incorporate into my architectural designs, I just need some more open minded clients,

  3. I’m a big fan of retro design but you have to ensure its appropriate to the client and audience. So long as you can put a modern spin on it I think they look great.

  4. Really like these. Great inspiration. Just hope The Old Skateboard Company corrected that error. “ENYOJ” the ride? Oy…smh

  5. wow! that’s pretty nice collecting examples of graphic designs. all these graphic designs are unique from each other in some have done a great work over here…

  6. I do love a bit of vintage design! I’ve yet to find an excuse to use it in a project yet though. I think the style would work perfectly for a butchers or bakery.

  7. Beautiful work. Love vintage art and even though Im working on an animation at the moment the colour palettes in some of this work is pitch perfect for me! This is my favorite post of the year!

  8. Love it. Vintage is all about the colours and font. Love the bright pink/aqua designs though. Infusing vintage with modern neon-like colours.

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