I hope everyone’s 2016 is off to a great start so far. I thought I’d treat my readers and make this year’s first post a new free design resource for everyone to download! This collection of grain textures features 9 high resolution scans that help you add grungy distressed effects to your artwork. They’re actually made from scatterings of tea granules, which turn out to make great design resources as well as hot beverages! Each of the 9 textures has various levels of dispersion and is available in JPG and PNG format with transparency to allow you to find the best texture to work with your design.

9 Free Grain Textures

Use these high resolution grain textures to erode your artwork with aged weathered effects. They work best when overlaid onto a background to add some subtle texturing to an otherwise flat colour, or applied within a layer mask to erase all the tiny particles from your design elements. Use the Screen blending mode to render the black area transparent, or inverse the JPG textures and use Multiply for lighter background colours. When using the textures within Layer Masks, the PNG versions are easier to select in order to fill the selection within the mask, or the entire texture can be pasted in directly by holding ALT and clicking the Layer Mask box within the Layers panel.

Download the free grain textures

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  1. First of all, Happy New Year.
    Thank you so much for all your amazing content… and the tips!

  2. Thanks for the freebie, and Happy New Year! I always look forward to your articles, I learn so much!

  3. Thanks for all the freebies Chris, I’m just now learning Photoshop and your downloads are helping me move along quickly and efficiently. Keep up the good work!

  4. “Made with British Tea…” love it, a really good idea, so simple… and ironic…
    Thanx, and happy new year, Chris…

  5. What is it about grainy textures? I can’t seem to get enough of them, which is good, because you do awesome textures anyway. Tea leaves? How clever. Did you take the time to ‘read’ the leaves? If you did, I’m sure they would say you have a promising career that will only get better!
    I think textures probably account for the largest portion of my files. Those or brushes. LOL
    Thank you so much!

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