Designer toys are a common love between many graphic designer and illustrators, as well as the collectable limited edition runs from producers such as Qee and Kidrobot there are many great examples of customised urban vinyl toys. Here's a collection of 60 fantastic examples of how designers have added their personal mark to their own custom toy!

Supplied unpainted in their standard white vinyl form the DIY packages from Qee and Kidrobot such as the above example named Munny, can be drawn on with crayons, pens, paint and modified with limitless creativity:

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

Urban Vinyl Designer Toy

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  1. Wow thanks for the link love and I cant believe there are so many customs I have still not seen. I have a ton of blank DIY toys for sale if anyone is interested in buying some to get practising

  2. Great collection, thanks!
    Does anyone know where I can find a 3D model of the Munny? I’d like to use a 3D modeling application like Blender to design a Munny character before working on the real thing.

  3. wow! thanks for showing my Barry from the Black Lagoon munny in your round up. Thats awesome! :D All of the munny’s look amazing. Some i’ve seen before and some I havent, so you’ve turned me on to new dudes.

    thanks again :)


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